Zion History Timeline

1812     Lutheran families moved from Pennsylvania and other states to Dayton.

1820     “German Evangelical Lutheran Zion’s Church” formed October 1. Uncle Peter Hetzel and wife Catherine are lay leaders. Rev. Father Heinicke serves as part time pastor.  First Communion – December 3rd.  First church is a cabin on the site of C. F. Holliday School.

Early Zion

1821     House of worship is made of logs erected on grounds now known as  Zion Cemetery.

1831     English language is introduced along with German.

1843     Improvements and rededication to cabin.

1856     Constitution is adopted in harmony with Lutheran Joint Synod of Ohio… prepared by Pastor Heinicke

1857     New brick church is begun at cost of $3500.

1860     New church is dedicated in May.  Rev. C. Albrecht installed.

1865     The Reverend W. A. Bowman begins pastorate.

Pr W. A Bowman

1866     Sunday School is organized.  Average attendance is 100.

1873     “Evangelical Lutheran Zion’s Church” is incorporated under Ohio law.

1886     Severe windstorm damages church roof.  The Lutherans sell their shared interest to the Reformed Congregation for $500.  An acre of ground across the road from the original site is donated by Mr. Joseph Miller.  The new cornerstone is set October 31. 

1887     New church dedicated July 10.  Total cost $5100.

1888     The Reverend H. L.Ridenour becomes pastor of Zion.

Pr Hiram L. Ridenour

1894    Rev. A. Dietrich becomes pastor.

1897    Rev. M. L. Baum accepts call to Zion.  Services held on Sunday afternoons.

Pr M. L. Baum

1913     Pipe organ installed.  Even though members lost goods in the flood, they give generously to the organ fund.

1920     100th anniversary of the congregation.

1923     The Reverend  W. A. Poovey becomes pastor.

Pr William A. Poovey

1929     The Rev. W. Koepplin installed as pastor.

1930     The Rev. J. J. Rumbarger becomes pastor.

Pr Walter F. Koepplin

1938     The Rev. George E. Smith accepts call and serves Zion jointly with Faith Lutheran, Dayton.

Pr George E. Smith

1943     The Rev. Charles L. Mullen called as pastor.  Pastor Mullen will serve Zion for the next 37 years.

1945     V-J day: The congregation kneels in thanksgiving for peace. Zion becomes self-supporting and no longer receives aid from Home Mission support.

1946     Six adjoining lots donated to the church by C. F. Kettering and Colonel Deeds in honor of work done by Miss Leah Miller.

Pr Charles L. Mullen

1949     Dedication of combined Sunday School and Parsonage built at a cost of $40,498.

1955     Zion’s 135th anniversary.  The mortgage is burned and a fund for a new building is begun.

1959     Four acres of land are purchased at the corner of Alex Bell and Munger Road.  Groundbreaking for education wing held on August 30th. The cornerstone for the education wing laid on October 25th.

1960     The parsonage purchased for $26,000. The last service is held in the old church on May 29th. On June 5th the first service is held in the education wing. The education units are dedicated on June 26th.  In attendance are Dr. W. A. Poovey and Dr. Gerhard Doermann.

Zion Lutheran on Dixie Highway

1961     Groundbreaking for the new nave on September 10th.

1962     Dedication of the Nave on May 20th.

1968     Congregation observes 25th anniversary of Pastor Mullen tenure at Zion.

1970     The 150th anniversary of Zion.

1980      Pastor Mullen retires after 37 year’s service at Zion.

Zion Lutheran Church – corner of Alex-Bell & Munger

1981     The Reverend Walter B. Fohs is called as pastor of Zion.

1985     The Reverend Robert Wietelmann (retired Bishop of Michigan) becomes assistant pastor.

1987     Zion joins the Vineyard Program – a program linking primarily white congregations with multi-ethnic parishes.  Zion’s partner is New Hope Lutheran Church in Dayton.

1988     Zion joins the newly formed Evangelical Church in America.

Pr Robert Wietelmann

1989     Pastor Wietelmann retires and Zion calls Pastor Jeff Morlock as Associate Pastor.

1990     Pastor Joel Nangole of The Lutheran Church of Tanzania serves on Zion’s staff.  Zion begins mission support for The Rev. Deb Byrum and Craig Byrum in Senegal.

1991     Pastor Fohs and Pastor Morlock accept new calls.

Pr Jeff Morlock

1992     The Reverend Richard S. Hinger is called as pastor of Zion.  Simultaneously, Cindy Zeiber of Tent Makers International assumes the role of Zion Youth Director.

Pr Richard S. Hinger

1993     The Reverend John Seim becomes assisting pastor.

1994     Zion Preschool founded.

1995     Zion’s 175th anniversary.  Building for God’s Glory is begun to fund a new Narthex. Zion names its fellowship hall The Mullen Hall.

1996     The building expansion is dedicated.

1998     Zion and Reconciliation Lutheran Church in Schwerin, Mecklenburg, Germany become partner congregations.

1999     Uta Loheit, a youth staff from Mecklenburg Synod serves on Zion’s staff for four months.  The congregation mourns the sudden death of Pastor Seim in June.

Pr John Seim

2000     The stained glass window “Creation” is dedicated on Easter Sunday. Zion receives a $460,000 bequest from the estate of Marietta Baker.  The congregation purchases the 2 acre home and property of a neighbor – Mr. O. Music.  The congregation celebrates the 180th anniversary of the first Holy Communion Service.  Bishop Holloway is in attendance.

Stained Glass- “Creation”

2002     Pastor Karen K. Kepner is installed as Zion’s Associate Pastor on July 21st. Pastor Roger Thomas and Uta Loheit accompany 25 youth from the Mecklenburg Synod on a visit to the United States. They spend a week with Zion families.

2004     Pastor Karen K. Kepner accepts another call in Circleville, Ohio.

2004     Pastor Robert Browning joins the staff as Assisting Pastor.

2005    Bobbi Bennett joins the staff as Youth Director in August

2006    Pr Richard S Hinger accepts a new Call in Chillicothe, Ohio starting in February.

Pr Karen K. Kepner

2007    Pr John Mittermaier accepts the call to Zion as Senior Pastor. Pr John comes from Oxford. Ohio with his last assigment in Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of Ohio (LOMO) Pr John will begin at Zion on July 1, 2007.

2008    Sharon Epp accepts the role of Youth and Christian Education Director starting in March 2008.

2013    A new capital campaign is launched to to upgrade and repair the parking lot as well as replace carpet in key areas of the church.

2015    Pat Berger joins us as the new organist/pianist.

2016    Joe Beal joins us as the new music director in July.

2017    A new capital campaign is launched to enhance and improve major parts of the facility – including the sanctuary and the entrance area to Mullen Hall. This campaign will be called “Rejoice and Renew”.

Pr John Mittermaier

2018 Christmas Eve we celebrate our new and beautiful sanctuary

Sancturay - Christmas Eve 2018
Christmas Eve – 2018

2019 Rededication services are held in April. The congregation’s properties and facilities are ready for a third century of service

2019 In October, Joe Beal resigns his role as music director. The music program continues through Christmas, but is then put on hiatus awaiting the search for a new director.

2020 Zion celebrates its 200th anniversary. The Covid 19 virus closes the church from March through May. Services begin again on May 31st – safety limitations in place for the virus. A wave of covid again closes the church at the end of November.

2020 Pr John Mittermaier retires in November. A call process is put in place to identify a new pastor. Pr Steve Kimpel (a retired pastor and member of Zion) serves as our Interim Pastor.

2021 Full attendance, singing, and maskless services begin in June. (people without vaccinations are asked to continue wearing masks.)

2021 Pr Adam Forbes accepts the call to Zion as Senior Pastor. Pr Adam began his service on August 15, 2021.

Pr Steve Kimpel